IPRO Cloud Portal: Citrix-Duo Account Activation

This topic explains how to connect to the IPRO Cloud using Citrix and Duo. The sections below explain.

  1. How to install Citrix.

  2. How to log in to the IPRO Cloud for the first time and activate your account.

  3. How to install and activate Duo for authentication.

  4. How to log into your account and reset your password.

Install Citrix Workspace

You can download and install the Citrix Workspace from the Citrix site.

  1. Navigate to the Citrix website to download the latest version of the Citrix Workspace App.

  2. Begin the installation process.

  3. Click Start.

  4. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.

  5. DO NOT ENABLE SINGLE SIGN ON, click Install.

  6. Click Finish. DO NO CLICK Add Account

Account Activation from Cloud Portal

  1. From your Internet Browser go to https://iprocloud.iprotech.com.
  2. Enter the user account and password that you were provided in a separate email or phone call.

  3. The Duo user account is set for Auto Enrollment when you enter a valid IPRO Active Directory account.
  4. The first window that displays is the Protect Your IPRO-Cloud Account window.
  5. Click Start setup.

  6. Select the device you are adding and click Continue. Mobile phone is recommended.

  7. Enter your phone number and check the box that asks you to validate the number you entered.
  8. Click Continue.

  9. Select your phone type and click Continue.

Install Duo and Activate your Mobile Device

The next step in the process is to download the Duo Mobile App.

  1. Go to Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  2. Search for the Duo Mobile app and download it. The screen shot, shown below, is for the Android mobile app. The screen for the Apple App will look slightly different.

  3. When you are finished with the download click the I Have Duo Mobile installed button.
  4. You will now activate your device by scanning the barcode with the Duo App.
  5. On your Smart Phone open the Duo App.
  6. Click on the + Key icon
  7. Hold you phone near the barcode displayed on your screen.

  8. When your Phone activated you will see a green check mark on the screen.

  9. On the My Settings & Devices window, verify that your phone number and device are entered correctly.
  10. In the box labeled, When I Log In, keep the default setting labeled Ask me to choose an authentication method.

    Note: You need more than one authentication option in case your smart phone battery is out of power or if you lose your device.

  11. • Click Continue to login.

  12. The last window you will see during the enrollment process is the Choose an authentication method window.
  13. If your enrollment is successful, a green banner displays at the bottom of this window indicating that the enrollment was successful!
  14. Now click Send Me a Push.

  15. When your phone receives the activation open the Duo App and click Approve.
  16. Since this is the first time you're logging in to the system, you will be prompted to set up your security questions. Select two questions from the list of possible questions and provide answers that you will remember when attempting to reset your password as explained in the next section. In addition, for the final question/answer pair, you must create a third question and provide the answer.

    Note: Security question responses are case sensitive. Keep this in mind when creating your responses.

  17. You may encounter an error during the authentication process. This normally occurs when the firewall connection has timed out due to our security policy. Close your internet browser and log back in to the IPRO Cloud: https://iprocloud.iprotech.com

Change your Default Password

  1. After you log in to the Cloud Portal, go to the upper right corner of the application landing page and click on the drop-down arrow next to your name.
  2. Select the Change password… option.

  3. A message displays indicating that you will be required to log off after a successful password change. Click Continue.

  4. Enter your old default password.

  5. Enter a new eight character password that contains at lease one uppercase letter, a number, and a special character. Then click OK

    Password Requirements:

    • At least eight characters long
    • At least one character from at least three of the following four categories:
      • Upper case
      • Lower case
      • Base-10 digits
      • Nonalphanumeric (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\ (){}[]:;'"<>,.?/)

    Note: The password you enter must be different than the previous 5 passwords.

  6. When the password changes, a message appears indicating that the password change is complete. Click OK.

  7. You will be prompted to log off and back on to the system.

    Note: Our password security policy requires you to change your password every 90 Days. If your user account expires you will be prompted to change your password.

Troubleshooting Citrix Receiver

If you encounter issues with the Citrix receiver, when you run the Citrix receiver, you can change to the light version.

  1. Select Change Citrix Receiver from the drop menu to the right of the login name.
  2. Click on Use light version.

Note: The light version of Citrix is not able to access your local resources like your clipboard or local drives. You must install the Citrix workspace if you need access to local resources.


Contact the IPRO Support Team if you get locked out of your user account.

(877) 324-4776 or (602) 324-4780


Related Topics

IPRO Cloud Portal: Reset a Forgotten Password